Code Environment

PGS 4 is written in Fortran, and is specifically designed to be g77/gfortran compatible. The latest release works under gfortran for OS X, and g77 for Linux. A great effort has been made to eliminate the dependence of PGS on external libraries such as CERNLIB.

However, PGS 4 is fundamentally dependent on STDHEP, and in fact the download images below contain the source and binaries for STDHEP 5.0.4 (with a slight modification).

PGS also depends on having an event generator around, and the distribution contains PYTHIA 6.418 and HERWIG 6.5.

Any histogramming/ntuple package is up to the user, who must appropriately modify the compile/link scripts for the executables.

Though the distribution comes with pre-compiled binary libraries, if the use wishes she or he can re-make the libraries with the makefiles provided.

Supported Operating Systems

PGS is supported on

  • Mac OS X 10.4 or later (gfortran) - download (11.7 Mb)
  • Linux SL5 (gfortran) - download (12.9 Mb)

Latest Version

The latest version is the 120611 release, which supersedes the 120404 release, which was made to fix the bug in kt jet finding in the 090401 version. The new version fixes a minor bug in reading the jet finding algorithm type from teh parameter file.

Old (Deprecated) Versions

These versions, available on request, are source only and must be compiled on your machine. To do this use the "make all" command from the top level (PGS) area.

  • 090401 - bug in kt jet algorithm
  • 070423 - bug in track resolution for low pt tracks
  • 070120 - no known bugs; update to Olympics and improved tau ID
  • 061205 - minor bugs, superseded by 070120 release
  • 060823 - no known bugs; superseded by 061205 release
  • 060820 - had bug in kt cluster width calculation
  • 060612 - used for Third Olympics; overwrite bug in kt jet subroutine


John Conway, Univ. of California, Davis
Problems with this page? Send email. (Last update April 2012.)